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What to do if you been labeled a "Debbie Downer"


Do you feel like no one is listening to you when you throw up red flags about a project at work? It may be because your talent for risk-mitigation is misperceived as negativity. 


As a result, you are tuned out and labeled a "Debbie Downer" or "Negative Nancy." That's the worst. šŸ˜©


We both know what's actually happening:

When you point out potential pitfalls it's because you're committed to the project's success. Rather than being negative, you're doing just the opposite. You want to see a positive outcome.

In the next meeting, try saying this:

"I love that idea and I'm really committed to the success of this project and our team. That said, I know of threats that could hurt us along the way. Would you like me to share those with you so we can solve for them together?"

Make sure your team knows that your DESIRE is success but your natural APPROACH is to minimize risk.

We need YOU and your wonderful talent for stabilizing just as much as we need the big, wild, crazy ideas.


You've got this šŸ‘Š


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